By Sir Fairnuff's njoyme
For me, submission is a
soul style as well as a lifestyle.
The act of submitting to my Dom, my Sir, brings always a feeling of peace and
lightness into my soul.
In many ways these acts are as spiritual in nature as they are physical,
or erotic,
or ritualized.
For me, the act of submission is a gift that i offer
to my Sir to do with what He will.
Most times it is my body
that is sweetly surrendered,
but the main submission is the continuous turning;
learning to turn my mind,
my body,
my spirit
over to His care.
To cease my constant effort to control my world
and to surrender that control to Him.
Submission is a continual process of learning,
of listening, truly listening.
With my heart rather than just my mind.
i listen to hear what he
truly means,
not what i hear.
i hear, until i hear nothing,
then i hear what He says, finally.
Because the quiet brings the knowledge.
When i end, He brings me to be.
When i cease, He brings me to be.
When i surrender, He brings me to the ultimate.
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